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Diagnostic Services

Our diagnostic services help ensure accurate and timely care for your pet.

In-House Laboratory

At Canmore Veterinary Hospital we are proud to offer bloodwork services at our in-house laboratory. We are able to provide accurate and fast test results within minutes which means your pet can be diagnosed and treated quickly.

What can bloodwork detect?

At our hospital we use bloodwork to diagnose the following conditions:

  • Infections
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver problems

When is bloodwork necessary?

Bloodwork is almost always required when your loyal companion is showing signs of illness. Symptoms such as weight loss, lethargy, increased thirst or urination, loss of appetite and more require a blood test to be diagnosed. Here are some other reasons why your loyal companion may need bloodwork:

  1. They have an upcoming surgery. Preanesthetic testing eliminates the risk of complications during surgery. Our team learns how much anesthesia is safe to use during the procedure.
  2. Your pet is starting a new medication. A blood test helps us understand how the medication will interact with your pet’s system.

X-ray & Ultrasound

We offer various forms of diagnostic testing including digital radiology (X-rays) and ultrasonography. These two forms of imaging technology allow us to explore the internal structures of your pet without performing surgery.

How are ultrasounds performed?

This is a quick and pain-free procedure for your pet. A registered veterinary technician will shave the intended area (if necessary) and apply a small amount of gel. A transducer which is attached to a computer monitor is passed over the area of inspection. The transducer emits sound waves and detects the sound waves reflected back. The sound waves will echo based on the density of the structure or the amount of liquid in that area and generate an image shown on a monitor. We use ultrasound to detect pregnancies and foreign bodies or to examine the following organs:

  • Kidneys
  • Heart
  • Liver and gallbladder

What are digital X-rays?

Digital X-rays are similar to conventional X-rays but with much less radiation. During an X-ray scan electromagnetic radiation is used to generate images. Digital X-rays are much quicker, and the scans are shown on a computer screen. A qualified veterinarian will then interpret the image and accurately diagnose your pet. X-rays allow us to examine the stomach, colon, heart, bladder, lungs, prostate and bones.

Will my pet need sedation or anesthesia?

Anesthesia is never used for these procedures. During an X-ray it’s possible that the patient may be sedated to keep them in a fixed position as is needed to get clear scans.

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